
Blog posts December 2022

What is a Vein Specialist Doctor Called?

A vein specialist specializes in treating varicose veins and related conditions like venous insufficiency. 


Ideally, your vein doctor is specialized and trained in endovenous procedures during their fellowship. Qualified vein doctors are also trained in vascular surgery, interventional rad…

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Why do Spider Veins Come Back After Treatment?

If you have spider veins, you know about the web-like appearance on the thighs and calves of your legs. Do Spider Veins Come Back After Laser Treatment?


While the cause of spider veins isn't known, mostly they tend to be a genetic issue. Hormones, a sedentary lifestyle, and weight gain play…

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What is the Cause of Poor Circulation in the Legs?

Despite being considered issues faced primarily by older adults or senior citizens because of poor blood circulation. Some of the most common causes of less blood circulation in the legs include:




Seniors or older ones suffer from bad blood circulation in the legs due to various…

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What is the Cause of Poor Circulation in the Legs?

Despite being considered issues faced primarily by older adults or senior citizens because of poor blood circulation. Some of the most common causes of less blood circulation in the legs include:




Seniors or older ones suffer from bad blood circulation in the legs due to various…

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What are the questions asked for vein diseases?

Many people worldwide have vein disease and suffer pain and discomfort daily. Treatment for vein disease is now less invasive if you fear the therapy. 

What is a varicose vein specialist called? A doctor specializing in treating varicose veins and other vein conditions or venous insufficienc…

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Why Should You Not Avoid Varicose Veins Treatment?

Varicose veins that are not treated can cause severe pain and can cause damage other body parts. Painful varicose veins can indicate a more severe problem, such as a blood clot, an open sore, or a skin infection.


If you are suffering from a varicose vein that is evolving more pain in your l…

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Are Spider Veins to worry about?

If you are also suffering from vein diseases that are causing pain and discomfort, these small veins just under the skin signify underlying vein disease. Spider veins are minor web-like appearances on the skin. They can be easily specified by the striking bluish to purple shade veins, which is notic…

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7 blog posts